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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Music Plasma

Music plasma had a relatively neat interface, but I can't see myself using this on a day to day basis. I think if it had links to brief music samples I'd be more likely to come here to see what music is similar to artists that I like.

Firefox Help: How To Manage Profiles

I looked all over for this when I moved from one computer to another but could not find it... well here it is, and I thought I'd share.

Firefox Help: How To Manage Profiles:

Move the profile folder to the desired location. For example, on Windows, move the profile from C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application
to D:\Stuff\MyProfile.
If you are reading these instructions because you want to restore a
previously backed up profile, this step isn't necessary. Just note the
current location of the profile you want to restore.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Ultimate Personality Test

This really got me.

The Ultimate Personality Test:

4. I like to learn from experience.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Poynter Online - E-Media Tidbits

Seems like this is something that could be done pretty easily. If you can combine craigslist and google... this seems possible too.

Poynter Online - E-Media Tidbits:

Wouldn't It Be Cool If ...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

FotoBuzz on Drupal -

The other day I heard about Fotobuzz reading some random blog.
Sorry can't remember the specific one -

The software sounded pretty cool so I went here and downloaded.
Then, from the same blog, I found this blog entry - where there were some brief instructions on how to install on Drupal.
Obviously this is a blog spot blog so,- this was for another one that I run.
Anway the instructions on Mr. Luster's site indicate that one should open up a .theme file. I'm just using the default bluemarine theme and there is no .theme file.
So, I was confused.

I tried modifying the theme.inc file and some others but eventually settled on this one -
in the root/themes/bluemarine folder

DISCLAIMER: I am not recommending that you make any modifications. If you do, you do so completely at your own risk. OH YEAH, remember to always, always take back ups. i could have been really messed up when I was experimenting with this.

Anyway the top section of the file looked like this...

<script type="text/javascript"> </script>

and when I was finished making my edits it looked like this.

<script type="text/javascript"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src= "fbLang.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src= "fbIR.js"></script>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
/* This hides the images before they are replaced */

.fbIR-hasFlash img.fotobuzz {
visibility: hidden;

.fbIR-flash {
visibility: visible !important;
margin: 0;
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
fbViewletPath = "http://www.EXAMPLESITE-NOTREAL.com/foto/fbloader.swf";
fbScriptPath = "http://www.EXAMPLESITE-NOTREAL.com/foto/fotobuzz.php";

This assumes that I placed the fbLang.js and fbIR.js in the root drupal folder and the other files in a folder i called foto.

Next I am going to attempt to modify the image.module such that fotobuzz is only invoked when viewing a "original" image. If I get that figured out, I'll let you know.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

More thoughts on Google's AutoLink

More thoughts on Google's AutoLink - The Unofficial Microsoft Weblog - microsoft.weblogsinc.com _:

I commented on this post and on one of the comments posted there -

"James" had this to say -

I presume you uninstalled any pop up blockers you have? After all, it doesn't allow you to configure which pop ups are let in and which ones are blocked. You also don't skip commercials on any PVR or VCR, do you? That's ptting all the control in the hands of the hardware vendor, who gets to decide what an ad is.

I said this ---
For whatever it's worth, I tend to agree with Scott, but just from a usability and tweakability perspetive. If Autolink came preconfigured with a set of links but allowed me to change them (customize), I could handle that. That would give the creator (in this case Google) control over the majority of the users but give others the ability to change their preferences.

I also agree with James in that one is not forced to download and use the tool. I just think that it would be enhanced by some additional functions. I'm not sure I understand the point about skipping commercials on a pvr. Maybe that's because I'm used to Tivo vs another brand. Skipping commercials (if that means fast fowarding) avoids advertising at the individual user level within the users control whereas Google is inserting advertising at the user level outside the user's control.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Sysinternals Freeware

I've been working on computers for about 10+ years now and from the very early times, this site has provided excellent tools and utilities that I use on a regular basis.
Now they've expanded in to blogging and I thought I should do my part to share that.

Sysinternals Freeware:

The Sysinternals web site provides you with advanced utilities,
technical information, and source code related to Windows NT/2000/XP/2K3 and Windows 9x, Windows
Me internals that you won't find anywhere
else. Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell alone write and update
everything here. We welcome all suggestions and comments. Before
you enter, please read our Licensing terms.

if you're not careful when sharpening lawn equipment, this could happen. BE CAREFUL!
front view Posted by Hello

update: I thought I should explain that this is my hand, not some random image. I cuy myself pretty bad on 4/6/2005. Today 4/21/05 the stitches may be coming out. We'll see what the doc says.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Why is this???

: "Permalink"

I like to think we've come along ways with virtual work environments but still, some people just don't get it. Either that or they think they are funny and just make silly comments to get at you a little.

Doesn't really bother me either way. Working from home works for me!