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Saturday, January 29, 2005

For the Geek in you-

The Unified Field Crossover History of the Universe
Ever read a comic book? Ever been interested in Sci-Fi? Ever wondered how all the different "universes" would look on a time scale. Visit the link and you'll see.

Nemesis Wanted on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

This brought a little bit of joy to my day. Pretty funny ads here but I wonder if they're all fakes? Anyone know?
Update: They are fake, but still funny!

spoof classified ads

Friday, January 28, 2005

Mandarin Design. Web and Blog Design and Development

Looks to be some good tips and tricks here for bloggers as well as anyone with a website that wants to spiff it up a bit.

Mandarin Design. Web and Blog Design and Development

From http://www.pdbook.com/index.php/weblog/mandarin_design/

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A good but challenging read -

I check this site just about every day.
What can I say, I loved comic books as a kid and often wondered what they'd do in "real life." Here you can read how HULK would be handling today's world - assuming of course Bruce/David Banner never logged in and deleted Hulk's Blog posts.


HULK'S DIARY THAT IS ON THE INTERNET: "Here you can read diary about Hulk!


EnTech Taiwan | Utilities | PowerStrip

I think I need to go check this out. It's shareware though. Still, my monitor gives a little flicker now and then. sure would be nice to correct that.

EnTech Taiwan | Utilities | PowerStrip

Increase thy vocabulary at Merriam-Webster Online

Merriam-Webster Online

I get a new word every day in my in box. My brain runneth over.

FeedBurner -

Get a feed burner account!

They say "Point your feed here. We'll do the rest."
I think they really do. At least it seems pretty cool. The privacy policy looks ok. The functions are pretty neat especially if using something like Blogger. Feedburner created the animated gif and the feed shown on this page. It's very easy to use. Seriously.

FeedBurner - Point your feed here. We'll do the rest.

SoYouWanna.com home

if you wanna know how to do stuff -

SoYouWanna.com home