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Friday, August 19, 2005

Confused about ActiveWords

I don't get it.
ActiveWords seems like a great/good program that does what it is supposed to do... However, I just don't understand why it gets so much "press" (blog entries).
I use Macro Express from www.macros.com and it seems to do basically the same thing. There's scripting and there's action recording. I use hundreds of short cut keys for names and obscure e-mail addresses that I use often.
When writing documentation I often create a short key for the project title and I've got on that includes my conference/bridge line information along with some 'fill in the blank' items that should be in every meeting invite... Regardless of all that, it was cheap to buy - I think it was about 39 dollars - and has a similar feature set as ActiveWords. So, I just don't understand why it doesn't get more attention.


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